Jadwiga Kowalska

Jadwiga Kowalska

Born in Berne, Switzerland in 1982. In 2007 she graduated in animation from HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst, formerly HGKL). For the last two years she has been working as an assistant of the animation department there. In the last four years she has done various exchanges and internships. She has collaborated with Hélium Films/Cinémagination (Le Génie de la Boîte de Raviolis by Claude Barras) and Jangled Nerves GER. She also did exchange studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków in the years 2005-2006. In 2009 her short animation TOT-AU-TARD received QUARTZ Swiss Film Prize for best animation. She is currently working on her new short animation.